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SSpplL Books of the Month: February 2012

Hey Smartys. We're trying a new series of posts here on the blog. Every month the four of us will each select a book to read and review. We will select new books at the beginning of each month, read them, and then at the end of the month/beginning of the next we will give our review as well as the book we have selected for the following month.

Feel free to read along, or not. And please feel free to continue the discussion in the comments.

Here are our book selections for February 2012:

Ed's pick:

American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis

The following things are true:

1.) I study psychopathy.
2.) I have never seen the American Psycho (2000) starring Christian Bale
3.) It was recently announced that the movie is being remade

Therefore, I think I am past-due for reading this novel. Plus, I got it in a white elephant gift exchange last month (the party was filled with psychologists).

Dean's pick:

In the Garden of Beasts by Erik Larson

The following things are true:

1.)I like history.
2.)I enjoyed his previous book: The Devil in the White City.
3.) It sounded intriguing when he spoke on Fresh Air.

Therefore, I will see what Berlin was like in the lead-up to World War II.

Jordan's pick:

Look Homeward, Angel by Thomas Wolfe

The following things are true:

1.) I like pie.
2.) I read this book when I was 18.
3.) I remembered liking it but not knowing quite sure why.

Therefore, I will revisit this novel to see if I still like it, or if it was merely a byproduct of my late high school/early college Objectivist phase.

Ben's pick:
The Information Diet: A Case for Conscious Consumption by Clay A. Johnson

The following things are true:

1.) I sit at a computer for much of my day
2.) I would like to learn of ways to reduce the amount of time that I feel is generally wasted.
3.) I not only want to decrease quantity but increase quality of information.

Therefore, I am going to try applying the concepts introduced in this book into my daily reading and information gathering habits.

1 comment:

  1. American Psychos is a tough read. Tough to get past the gross factor. It's really really really gross. Like, it's really good in a lot of ways--the psychology and the satirical look at 80s Wall Street types is pretty profound and kinda funny--but when I think back at it, I just remember how gross it was and shudder.

    Been meaning to read Garden of Beasts. Maybe I'll start that one too.
