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The Expanding Defininition of "Occupy"

One can occupy a space. One who occupies space is an occupant. An activity can occupy time. An activity that occupies large amounts of time is an occupation. Recently many people with and without regular occupations have become occupants of public spaces - in movements labeled Occupy. In fact,  many American minds have become occupied with the occupants of Occupy camps, who are referred to as Occupiers. Occupiers for the record, generally oppose the practices of many people with occupations which they say have contributed to many homes becoming unoccupied. Due to these Occupy occupations, "occupy" has gained a new connotation. It seems that one can now use "occupy" to represent the opposition to anything with which one has discontent. Now a genally passive verb, has become much more active word. Even for the web to choose a side, one only picks which thing to deride. And if your TV show is put on notice, just tweet an "Occupy" to give it focus. It's obvious that "occupy" is getting all the heat, from your neighborhood park to your Sesame Street, so as the term occupies new colloquial reputation, perhaps "Word of the Year" is a most appropriate elevation.

(Sources: DailyTech,, Huffington Post, NPR)

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